
Denver Museum

On September 5th, We went to the museum, it was pretty fun. They had lots of different areas like an Gems & Minerals so pretty lots of sparkley things!, Expedition Health which we took a picture of Abigail and it aged her to 70, we also got hooked up to a brain wave thing and the more relaxed you were then the ball would go to the next person, well my brain was to active I was not able to "push" the ball but duh since dustun has a nothing box he can go to he was relaxed and won, Egyptian Mummies which had 2 mummies it it pretty interesting to know what they did back then, Space Odyssey whee Abigail got to dress like a astronaut, and play in a crater, Prehistoric Journey where we begun when the dinosaurs were here then progressed to now a days.

We had a great day, and i am so happy we were able to go.

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