

Today the kids and I went to the base library they had a reading time form 9:30 to 10:00. we sang some songs and read a really cute book http://www.amazon.com/Mommy-Do-You-Love-Me/dp/0763634700
Abby was shy and didn't really participate but she smiled the whole time, but when we sung wheels on the bus she knew that song and the actions so she was excited!
After that we all went to a play group in this sound proof kid room filled with toys, dress up and books. it was from 10-11. Ben was super tired and fussy but soon the other little girls noticed him it would ham it up and smile and coo and hide.
We got home and laid Ben down, Abby was just sitting with her toys not doing anything but zoning i think all these play groups have worn her out, i was able to lay her down at 11:30 and she napped all the way till 2:00. I went in my room and read my new book I cant put down http://www.amazon.com/Safe-Haven-Nicholas-Sparks/dp/044654759X i even fell asleep it was heaven! 
After nap we all got up and Abby and I made some sugar cookies, I love cooking with her and she loves it too, I hope this is a child hood memory she always remembers is us in the kitchen making things.
Here are some pictures of her and I making cookies. 

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