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Yesterday I made some new freinds with my neighbors at my "second" house. I took the kids out side to play, and soon some more kids and more parents came out, so I decided well I can sit here and be afraid to talk to others or I can go and be nice and friendly so I sat at the picnic table introduced my self and we all talked about different things, it was nice, plus that now the kids have some other kids to play with. I felt so bad when they moved because Dillon had to leave all his freinds then he is cooped up in the apartment.

For today's nice thing that I did was, I drove. I know not a big deal but when Dustun and I are together I never drive, but I figured he was probably tired. So I drove to the hospital for my ultrasound then I drove to the comic book store so dustun could get his new ones for this week,then I took him home so he could go back to bed, then I went and got my cars oil change, I really hate going by myself I feal like they are going to rip me off.

Tonight I am making homemade bread, so far it smells way good, and I want to make so many other things right now but I guess I'll do those another night when it's not so late.

Hope all my readers are having a great night and have a better weekend!

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