
Seven Falls

So Yesterday we went to the Seven Falls, It was so amazingly beautiful there. The climb to the top of the falls, not so fun, but i am happy I was able to do it! I am not normally a scardey cat, but the stairs were so narrow and so steep and then then wind kicked up and they started moving I was having such a panic attack. I wanted to stop but i really wanted to say i made it to the top and beyond, so I kept going. Once we made it up there you could follow all the trails in the mountain, but I was definitely wearing the wrong shoes, ( I mean who wears flip flops to go hiking?!) but it is hard for me to wear a closed toe shoes, since i broke my toe, How did I do that? I had a blonde moment and was scooting my chair in and my feet were behind the legs to help, and some how I got my foot under the leg and I went scoosh, it went purple and swollen in about 3 minutes, i hurt so bad. Anyways, I am so happy to be able to get out in the out doors and enjoy living/staying here in Colorado, we are trying to do as much as we can in case we go back to Texas, we know Abigail is not going to remember any of these tings but we will and thats what all the pictures are for.

She was so cute, i took her out of her stroller so i could help her to sleep, I think the beat of the Indian drums help, soon she passed out and since she only sleep s for about a half hour, we headed back to the car to wait so we could change her diaper, reapply sunscreen and load her up in the front carrier so we could make it up the fun stairs! We were sitting in the back of the truck and some older lady was like oh that is so sweet can i take your picture so you can remember this moment, I do cherish those moments were she cuddles up and sleeps on me I know that too soon she will be a "big" girl and not want me to hold her, that will be so sad. but until then we will take her places and show her around, so when she gets older she will love and appreciate all the activities we do.
Enjoy the slide show

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