

My friend Karen tagged me. So here you go here are my three's:

3 Joys:

1. Finding dustun and being with him forever
2. Having this little miracle growing in me.
3. Having a loving and supporting family.

3 Fears:

1. Having any kind of problems with the baby/pregnancy.
2. getting in a car wreak.
3. Not being closer to family.

3 Obsessions

1. The computer, I love to see if people "remember" me.
2. Having things done when and how I say.
3. Schedules I love schedules! I love being able to cross things off knowing that I accomplished what I wanted to do for the day.

3 Facts About Me

1. I want to have a goat farm, and sell the milk and boy goats to Mexicans. Dad said we would buy them and let me keep them in the pastier at work if I could move home.
2. I found out I am immune to chicken pox, never had them and never will.
3. I feel as if I am a very strong person, I think I can go through a situation and be able to get out of it a stronger, better person, with out becoming bitter.

I tag anyone who is willing and wants to do this! =)

1 comment:

Karen said...

Great list!!! You're so lucky that you are immune to chicken pox, they are no fun to have. Just curious what made you want to have a goat farm someday??? That's a cool idea, just curious! =)